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Kitchenware Tools and Utensils Garlic and Onion

Garlic Press - Premium
Ref Code: 25509

Price: Add this product to your basket to request pricing.
Availability: In Stock

Stellar Garlic press and Scoop

The Stellar Garlic Press & Scoop is a clever bit of kit. You can put in an unpeeled clove and the press will leave you with the garlic you need for your dish. The innovative scoop makes it easy to get the maximum amount of garlic from your clove straight into the pan without making your fingers all garlic-y, and the scoop itself is dishwasher safe, making cleaning up nice and simple too.

A genuinely useful kitchen tool, especially for lovers of Italian or French cuisine.


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(064) 275 420

Nr 79 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia

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